Johnson Residence - Lot 13 Wild Horse Valley Rd, Wildwood, MO


Main Roof

Overall NS 30.0+3.0+6.0 = 39.0

39/(@COS(@ATAN2(12,2.5))) = 39.83736

Plate height diff (Outside to Outside)

30.0*@TAN(@ATAN2(12,2.5)) = 6.25 (6'-3")

Support Beam at 16'-0" from outside of South wall

(16+6)/@COS(@ATAN@(12,1.25)) = 22.47236 (22'-5-5/8")

Overall EW 69.33+2.0 = 71.33

71.33/(@COS(@ATAN2(12,1.25))) 71.71595

Plate height diff (Outside to Outside)

69.33*@TAN(@ATAN2(12,1.25)) = 7.221875 (7'-2-5/8")

Distance from West end to Sun Room .33+ 20.0+20.0-.25 40.08

Roof plane at 1.25/12

40.08/(@COS(@ATAN2(12,1.25))) 40.29686

Distance from East end to Sun Room 2.0+4.0+12.0+4.0-.25 = 21.75

Roof plane at 1.25/12

21.75/(@COS(@ATAN2(12,1.25))) 21.86768

Sun room = 9.551402 -0

9.5/(@COS(@ATAN2(12,1.25))) 9.551402

Panel layout from West end:

8.25 Stressed Skin 7/16 with 2-SYP#2 @48 O.C.

Mark Width Remaining Notes

             (Inches) (Feet)


WE-1   47.5         36.63         3-1/2" extra for plumb cut
WE-1   47.5         32.67
WE-1   47.5         28.71
WE-1   47.5         24.75
WE-1   47.5         20.80
WE-1   47.5         16.84
WE-1   47.5         12.88
WE-1   47.5            8.92
WE-2   12.0            7.92
WE-1   47.5            3.96
WE-1   47.5            0.00

Skip Sun Room for now

WE-1   47.5          17.91
WE-1   47.5          13.95
WE-1   47.5            9.99
WE-3   24.375       7.96
WE-4   95.5            0.00        Overhang 2'

Sun room:

8.5 SS 7/16 SYP#2 @ 48 O.C.

      (Inches WxL)
SR-1   114.6    58 (----- Overhang 3' (Temp bracing req'd)
SR-2   114.6    42 Sideways
SR-3   114.6    42 Set
SR-4   114.6    30 -----)

High Roof Plan:



Overall EW 2.0 +31.333 +2.0 = 35.333

35.333/(@COS(@ATAN2(12,1.0625))) = 35.47123
Plate height diff (Outside to Outside)
31.333*@TAN(@ATAN2(12,1.0625)) = 2.774276 (2'-9 1/4")

Overall NS 6.0 +30.0 +3.0 = 39.0

39.0/(@COS(@ATAN2(12,1.5))) = 39.30351
Plate height diff (Outside to Outside)
30*@TAN(@ATAN2(12,1.5)) = 3.75 (3'-9")

Panel layout from West end:

8.25 Stressed Skin 7/16 with 2-SYP#2 @48 O.C.
Mark Width Remaining Notes

            (Inches) (Feet)

HR-1   95.5            27.51 Overhang 2'
HR-2   47.5            23.55
HR-2   47.5            19.60
HR-2   47.5            15.64
HR-2   47.5            11.68
HR-2   47.5               7.72
HR-3   92.65             0.00 Overhang 2'


First floor support beams

First Floor Calcs:

Max span for steel beam in center of floor is 20'

Load w is 15'*50#/sf 750#/lf
I req. is 675*20^3*750/30000000 135

Select 12W26 @ 201

Extra beam to support tile deck

Span is 9'-0"

Load 7.5 * 50 = 375#/lf
I req. is 675*9^3*375/30000000 = 6.150938

Select 8W10 @ 30